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Thursday, February 22, 2018

[NEWS] People magazine, "Her Split With Justin: Jen's Heartbreak"

People magazine: Her Split With Justin: Jen's Heartbreak
The latest issue of People magazine will be on stands March 5, 2018 with the headline saying it all Her Split With Justin: Jen's Heartbreak. The story reveals the clashes that drove them apart, why she still hoped the marriage could be saved, and their secret final meeting on Valentine's Day before making their big announcement of separating.

Their divergent lifestyles and increasingly separate lives on opposite coasts - with Aniston admitting to being most comfortable in Los Angeles, and Theroux admitting to being most comfortable in New York City - eventually distant and difference of opinion took its toll ultimately destroying their relationship. A source close to the couple says, "They didn't really fight. They just did things separately."

Now the actress admits, "I didn't want to announce it [the separation] for as long as possible, because I wanted to avoid the media attention." A source close to the actress says, "Jen hoped that Justin would be low-key on her birthday so people weren't wondering why he wasn't with her, but that's not Justin's style. He wanted to make the announcement so he can live his life." He's been over the relationship for quite some time. "It seems Justin gave up months ago," the source adds, "for the past few months he spent very little time in Los Angeles. Jen very recently started telling people that they were over. She seems okay now, but was still hoping as of a few weeks ago that the could figure things out."Aniston says, "I am sad and disappointed," she said, "that my marriage to Justin didn't work out, I didn't expect to be single again." As for her future, "I'm not a huge fan of dating, and I never was despite what people say or think. I have always found dating awkward and unpleasant. I hate all the media attention that I know I will get now, but I am a big believer in falling in love and spending my life with a partner that loves sharing mine."

Theroux returned to Los Angeles one last time February 14, 2018 to write the separation announcement with Jennifer. He came in on a private jet from New York, and although he did stay with Aniston at their former Bel-Air mansion - he did so in the guest house. After submitting the announcement to the Associated Press, who published it February 15, 2018, he went on his way back home to New York while she stayed California.

She addresses the baby rumors, "We wanted to start a family early in the relationship, but it didn't work out. When I met Justin I had almost given up on the idea that I would have kids. We were both disappointed kids didn't come into our lives, but we didn't let it devastate us. I have been sad that it never happened [having kids], but I NEVER let it consume me." She confirms the lifestyle arrangements, "I did try to adapt to his New York-based lifestyle, but it made me miserable, while Justin was never comfortable with the luxurious - but insular as he put it - L.A. world. From the start we couldn't find common ground that made us both happy. It became exhausting and frustrating for us both." She adds, "Despite all the time we spent apart we tried to save our marriage. For many months we tried to make it work. We even had therapy." Aniston seems okay in the wake of their split, a source says, "She has an amazing life that she loves and is very grateful for. Jen would be the first one to say that she is a lucky girl."

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