
THE MORNING SHOW | Presented by AppleTV+ The News Is Only Half The Story. | 8 Emmy Award Nominations

Monday, July 25, 2016

[NEWS] Jennifer Gives Powerful Speech While Being Honored at Giffoni Film Festival

While being honored with the lifetime-achievement award at the 46th Annual Giffoni Film Film Festival in Italy, Jennifer was a one-woman pillar standing strong against Internet abuse, continuing to drop wisdom. She spoke to a crowd of Italian teens about bullying, creating roles for women in Hollywood, and staving off the all-too-familiar existential angst about one's identity. The portion of the panel that probably struck the biggest chord with Aniston was when one teen asked, "Have you ever woke-up in the morning and didn't know who you are?"

Through tears, Jennifer replied:

"There's not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened...We're all human beings at the end of the day, whether we're a waitress or we're a baker or we're a student or whatever we are, at the end of the day you kind of hit walls and think, 'I kind of can't go any farther.' Or, 'This is too much. My heart can't take it, or the pain is too great', or 'Am I good enough?' or 'Will I survive?'. And you just have to sort of somehow miraculously overcome. And you just go, 'I CAN, yes I can, yes YOU can."

She also managed to touch on "empowering women", "selfies", and "social media", all the pertinent topics for a teen mentor right now. Speaking to the roles of women in film, she said, "I think we need to empower women to not just be about dresses and beauty and selfies. We need to start having conversations and put our phones down and get out of social media, take social-media breaks. That's why we're not seeing the right stories being told. Everyone is stuck in their phones."

On bullying, Jennifer said:

"I suggest taking the offender down as a group. You have to support each other in just eliminating that. People didn't stick up to bullies enough. And now with the Internet, it is endless, and it is a bunch of anonymous bullies that can sort of be stalking...And they're cowardly, and they're anonymous, and they hide behind their computers, so it's about not allowing it to penetrate and have again - put your computers down and have conversations."

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