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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

[NEWS] Jennifer & Justin Celebrate 2-years of Marriage Revealing How They Worked Through Their Relationship Problems

Jennifer Aniston and her second husband screenwriter/actor Justin Theroux, will be celebrating their 2-year wedding anniversary come Saturday August 5, 2015. It looks like they will be having a grand time as their marriage is better than ever, and they are in their own words, "Extremely happy and have a lot of mutual respect for one another even though our careers keep us apart sometimes," they said in a joint statement to People magazine. But it was not always that way.

(2012) Jennifer & Justin on set of comedy film 'Wanderlust'
A source told the magazine, "For a while Jennifer and Justin, who met on the set in 2010 of the comedy film 'Wanderlust', had difficulties in their relationship early on. It took them a while to figure things out." As Jennifer put it, "For the longest time we'd commute back and forth from New York to Los Angeles because we were trying to agree on living arrangements. I wanted to be in New York with Justin, but it just wasn't the same as when I grew-up. Finally we came to the agreement of him keeping his New York flat while we both house hunt. We ended up purchasing a lovely $22-million mansion in Bel-Air that we remodeled together."

(2012) Arial view of Jennifer & Justin's $22-million dollar Bel-Air mansion they purchased

(2015) Arial view of Jennifer & Justin's backyard wedding ceremony held at their Bel-Air mansion
The source close to the couple told People, "Getting married was a big deal for both of them. Justin had never been married before, but Jennifer had, and after her harsh split from her first husband film actor Brad Pitt in 2005 given the disastrous love triangle involving actress/director Angelina Jolie, Aniston had her reservations about remarrying." Theroux popped the question though in 2012 commenting to People, "What better birthday present than your girlfriend saying 'yes' to your proposal' ". They stayed engaged for 3-years due to their hugest obstacle - their bustling careers.

(2012) Jennifer's engagement ring
(2015) People magazine: Jen's Dream Wedding!
After the pair got engaged he had just signed on to be the lead of the HBO series 'The Leftovers', and she'd sign on for at least two film projects at a time so they were apart for long periods of time traveling for work. This year is not different than after they wed, Jennifer will soon jet off to Atlanta to make another movie as well as in talk that she may do a television series with actress Reese Witherspoon.

(2017) Justin & Jennifer during a recent date night out
The source close to the couple said, "If the duo was any younger or less mature they would already be split. It's possible that this marriage would not have worked if they were in their 20's, but they aren't. They are great friends who are mature enough to know and realize that you can be happily married without being together 24/7." Jennifer said, "Once we've been apart for a while we are very excited to see each other. We have so much to catch up on and it makes our marriage exciting. I still find him very sexy, and not seeing each other every day makes us appreciate each other more. Besides, we both have a wicked sense of humor and love to make each other laugh. I think that it goes without saying that we have the best life together."

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